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Physical and Mental Health Red SHOE Challenge.

The Physical and Mental Health Committee would like to announce IT’s TIME to GET REDy for our 1st Red S.H.O.E CHALLENGE of the year!The Red S.H.O.E challenge is the physical health component of Delta Care that encourages members to engage in healthy behaviors.S.H.O.E is an acronym for Self-care, Healthy Options and Exercise.The challenge will officially begin on Monday, November 1st and end Monday, November 22nd.

For the next few days, let’s think about which areas of our lives need more attention so we can be our best, healthiest selves. Enjoy the videos designed to encourage your participation, review the Stages of Change chart to determine where you are with pursuing the healthy habit of choice, and complete the personal inventory worksheet to get your thoughts flowing.

November 1st will be here before you know it! Stay tuned for more information…


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